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As a Stanford Engineering alum, my disappointment in SU Engineering's recent leadership awakens when reading things like this.

Stanford failed to divest from combustion interests when other schools did. So, Chevron, Precourt... combustion $ have flowed in since the 1970s, stunting the range of science & engineering Stanford could deliver to its students.

How can one ask: "What Should We Do When the Natural Gas Company Leaves Town" when Stanford leadership chose support for, and dependence on, combustion energy decades ago?

An example of what you can do is simple: support clean & reliable power, as from hydro & nuclear. Many have worked together to protect our one remaining nuclear plant (Diablo Canyon) because, unlike rind/solar/battery, it needs no backup. What you can do is get the San Onofre plant back on line, after being closed only because SoCal Edison's holders wanted to get at the ~$3B trust fund. Who were the holders? Sempra Energy (gas) and Edison International (gas). Our Attorney General failed to investigate and prosecute criminality leading to the closure.

There are herds of lobbyists at the state & federal levels who are not friends of the environment and fact. Un-divested Stanford leadership is also not a friend with a helpful answer to your belated question.

Dr. A. Cannara



cannara @ sbcglobal dot net

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